Making things from scratch is so satisfying to me… I love creating recipes, crafting, sewing & lots of artsy things. But my favorite part of a project is always the finishing touches. So when I make something homemade, I really want the packaging & labels to be as much a part of the gift as the item itself.
After making a ton of Vanilla this year (CLICK HERE for the Recipe), I made a Free Homemade Vanilla Labels Printable & Tag to share with you! =) You can download the free printables below by right mouse clicking on the label images or PDF document and selecting the ‘save image as’ option to save it to your computer.
Here are the Special Supplies I used:
*** Round Vanilla Labels ***
Be sure to select your correct Bottle Size (2, 4, or 8 ounces) – 4 ounces is my favorite size. In my opinion 2 ounces was too small & 8 ounces was too big. Plus, the 4 ounce bottles were a better price & are just the right size for gift giving.
The Round Vanilla Label image works perfectly with the Avery Label Maker Tool Online – just type in your Avery Label # & upload the image (they even have a mobile app) & print! Any round Avery Labels size will work – just chose your size (2″ or 2.5″) & color (kraft or white). For the Round Vanilla Labels, I used Avery #22808 Kraft 2.5″ Labels (these are the same ones I use for my Apple Sauce & Pear Sauce Canning Labels).
*** Instruction Gift Tag (Image) ***
For the Vanilla Instruction Gift Tags, I use Kraft Cardstock & just print them out on my printer using this PDF document. Or you can download the Tag image below all by itself & make up your own. I use a Small Hole Punch on the top of the tag & run some Red & White Bakers Twine through it and around the neck of the Vanilla Bottle for a more decorative look.
Don’t forget to write in your Vanilla Brew Date at the bottom of the tag!
*** Instruction Gift Tag (PDF) ***
Click on the PDF Document Image Below to open the PDF file for printing. This document is already formatted to print 12 tags on one page. Be sure to deselect the option ‘Fit to Page’ on your printer settings before printing the PDF Document.
Tina G.
Hi! I clicked on the PDF link for the round Homemade Vanilla Extract labels and it said “Not Found”. I would really like to print these labels off – is there another link to a PDF file I could use? I was able save the Instruction Gift Tag PDF file.
These were the cutest labels I have seen for Homemade Vanilla Extract!
Thank you!
Hi Tina! I just fixed the link, so hopefully it will work now. There’s also a direct link to the PDF on the image itself. =) Let me know if it still doesn’t work. Thanks so much! God Bless! ~Erika
Tina G.
Thank you for replying so fast!
I right-clicked on the 8 oz. round label and saved it as a GIF, but I guess I’m missing something – I clicked on all the links and never could find a PDF of the round labels – just the instruction tags.
I’m sorry Tina, I thought you meant the instruction tags. I don’t have a PDF printable of the labels since I used the free Avery Tool online to upload the image & then print them out… I’ve found that this works better so you can make sure it lines up with your printer (since every printer is different). If I can help any more, just let me know! =) God Bless! ~Erika
Tina G.
Cool, that means I wasn’t crazy after all, lol! I’ve used the Avery design tool several times, so I know I can do that! :)
Thanks for all your help! I do appreciate it!
Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season!
Kris R
I really love your labels! That said, I am trying to do the Avery Online like you mentioned above but how do I format the one that you have into one that they will take, gif is not listed.
Thank you for the labels! This is exactly what I was looking for. Can’t wait to make the extract and use your cute labels.
To anybody having problems with the fact that the label is a .gif. After you download the file, open it and “save as” or “export” the image, and when you get the option to rename it, you should also have the option to choose the file type. Choose .jpeg and the image will work on the Avery Online tool! Worked for me! Thanks!
Thanks for the great tip Becky! In the past, Avery would only take a .gif… I guess they changed that. I’ll have to look into it and see if I can re-upload jpegs. If anyone else has the same issues, please let me know. =) God Bless! ~Erika
Erika – I had the same problem with the .gif file. I had to convert it to a .jpg before I could upload it to the Avery template.
Thank you so much for these printables!! Could you tell us what font you used on the Round Vanilla labels at the top, “Handcrafted With Love” so I can match my “made by” name?
I think its quentincaps regular. (I also needed it for modifications)
Love these labels Erika!
Hi Heather! The main font ‘Vanilla’ is QuentinCaps and the other font used as in the ‘Handcrafted With Love’ is Lullaby. Hope that helps! =) God Bless! ~Erika
Erika – Thank you so much! I have the vanilla bottles all ready for Christmas and this is the finishing touch. I so appreciate you responding in time for the holidays! All the best to you and your family.
Tina G.
I tried to print these out and my printer wasn’t cooperating – took it to my mother-in-law and her printer worked liked a charm! I also found some small spools of the Baker’s twine in different colors. Turned out PERFECT!!!!
If you can’t save the gif as a jpeg, I found that after I saved it, I went back and opened it in Paint and just clicked on save as – it gave me the option to save it as a jpeg and that worked great! Hope that helps. :)
Erika, is there a way I could send you a picture of my finished bottle to show you how mine turned out? Thanks!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
Thank you so much, Tina, for the information about opening the image in Paint and saving as jpeg from there! It’s the only solution that worked for me!
Cynthia Lockemer
What glyphs are used for the label and tags? Both on the top and bottom. Thanks!!
Robin Abernethy
How do you edit the round label to add the “by XXX”? My mother and I are going to do this when I go visit right before Christmas to give as gifts to friends! And thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Robin, The labels are set-up so that they don’t show the ‘Made by XXX’ – Instead it just says ‘Handcrafted with Love’. If you want, you can always add your name in the space under that in the Avery Label program before printing. Hope that helps! =) God Bless! ~Erika
Jaime Kirk
I can’t get the gif to save as a jpeg to save my life!! Can anyone help? I’ve tried all the tips above.
To save as a jpg (jpeg): Right Click on the picture you want to save and select Save AS. Go to the list of folders and click on the folder you want to save it in – or click on Desktop. Go to the File Name box at the bottom and enter the name you want your image to be called – mine was already filled in and I left it. Go to (click) the end of the name and backspace over the “.gif” to get rid of it. Type in .jpg. Move down to the next box which says something like Save As Type and click the down arrow at the end of the box. Select All Files *.* The click on the Save button. You can do this for any picture you want to save.
After you save the label as a JPG, you should open it in a program like Paint. Try double clicking on the picture in your own folder on your computer (after you have saved it). it should open the default Paint program you have on your computer. Find the icon for Add Text, add a text box to where ever you want your name or other information and type it in. You can also change the font and the size of the letters. Then save it. Now you can print it.
Karen M Boldosser
Thanks so much! These are just what I was looking for!
I made my vanilla extract with bourbon. Is there any way you can change the labels to say bourbon instead of vodka?
The labels look amazing by the way. :)
Thank you, Katie
i LOVE your labels! I have 10 bottles for gift-giving. However, I used the 5oz Woozy Bottles. Is there any chance of getting your label withOUT the amount on it? Or, better yet, with a 5oz label?
I can’t wait to see the recipient’s faces when they see these adorable bottles filled with homemade vanilla extract!!
How did you print on the Kraft tags? Maybe I’m reading too fast but aren’t these individual? I’m not sure how to set them up from printing.
Kathleen Hoffman
Duh. Never mind. I just figured it out.
I’m running late to the party, but wanted to say thank you for creating these charming old time labels and sharing the font information with us. I really appreciate your giving of yourself so freely. If you still have the AI or PSD files ( or whatever original file you use for making these templates ) I sure would appreciate a link to those. Thanks again and God bless.
Jessica King
Thanks so much for the adorable tags!! I was wondering if you would mind emailing me the editable version? I’m going to attempt hosting a homemade extract class and need tags that say vanilla, lemon, and almond extract. God Bless!
Janice Klein
Hello, I am trying to print the round 8 oz. labels. I’ve downloaded the image, changed it to a jpg and saved it. On the Avery site, when I try to upload the image to the template, it’s only a small circle within the 2 1/2″ label size – it doesn’t fit the whole label. How can I fix this?
I’m not sure what to do here. I can’t get anything to work for the round labels. How am I supposed to use the image here with the online Avery label maker? I also need to change the ounces, as I have 5 ounce bottles. Help please.
Is there a PDF for the round labels? I found the PDF for the tags but would love to have the PDF for the labels. Thanks in advance!
Hi! Is there a way to change vodka to bourbon? I’d love to be able to use your beautiful labels!
I can’t get the round lable for the bottle..
Thank you for all the info an offer for free labels for vanilla. I cannot find the link. I have gone over each area..Where is it??
Thank you
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Anna Borgerding
Hi! I’m trying to download the round label but i can’t use that website. Is there a way for you to email it? I have the square tag and was able to download that. The tags are so cute and I’d love for them to match.
LOVE THESE! Do you have the option to change the type to say made with Bourbon (and refill with Bourbon)? THanks so much
I adore these labels but I cannot get them to print correctly from the Avery website…the alignment is off and nothing I do fixes it. I also want to change vodka to bourbon and rum but can’t figure out how to do that without creating a label myself. If anyone figures it out, please share. Thanks!
Thank you for this!!! I’m a little late to this post, but I wanted to share that my son made vanilla this year and I just could not find a good label that was attractive and that I could edit easily to add his name – until I found yours. Your labels are perfect! Just exactly what I needed. Thank you. I saved your .gif, then used 3D Paint to edit it (add my son’s name) and saved it as a .jpeg. The Avery site allowed me to shrink (arrange tool?) the image just a tiny bit so none of the words cut off. I can’t remember when I’ve had a homemade gift look so professional.
Do you ever adjust the label after uploading when you use the Avery online tool? The words on the top of the label look like they are going to get cut off. I’m worried I’m doing something wrong. Thanks for your help! So excited to give homemade vanilla for Christmas gifts this year.
Thank you so much for sharing these and with the help changing the GIF, I always forget I can do that.
By any chance do you know how I can edit the round label? I want to add By Samantha and then print some with it saying vegetable glycerin instead of vodka for my non alcholic peeps
I was able to add my name with Microsoft Paint using a different font. Save the edited as a .gif then I uploaded to Avery website. There are other editing programs that you can use, but I didn’t have any. May be you can find a free program online. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for sharing. Like the above commenter, any chance we can edit both labels? I was able to add the “made by”, but had to use a different font. I couldn’t find the font that you used. I also wanted to delete the add vodka to prevent dilution. Thanks you.
Please don’t tell people they can just top off their bottles and keep using, because that is completely false information
Malcolm Hobbs
The bottle labels you uploaded are in .GIF format which Avery doesn’t accept. If I convert to PDF on the Avery site, the lobel design is much smaller than the Avery size that you recommended. What am I missing?