This has been one of those crazy hard weeks that life threw at my family. Within just a few days: All 4 of our boys came down with an unexplained bacterial or fungal pneumonia (prayers appreciated); We found out we have to abruptly move from the home we’re renting (Living in Hawaii isn’t always Paradise); and Prepare to leave for a trip that takes us to the Mainland. As a result, we are packing up our most cherished belongings, selling everything else on Craigslist (yes everything – that’s another story), taking care of our precious babies, and packing for a trip. There isn’t a Crazy Eye Emoji that covers all the emotions I’ve got going on right now.
While all this was unfolding, a unexpected package arrived from Rocky Mountain Oils. I couldn’t remember ordering anything, so I opened it up and found a sweet note with a complementary bottle of their new ‘Unwind‘ Essential Oil Blend. I literally laughed out loud… Unwind?! Oh, the irony… What I really needed was a ‘Sleep Deprived, Crazy Eyed Mama, On the Verge of a Mental Breakdown, Send Help’ oil blend.
Still, I unscrewed the bottle cap (which is always satisfying on a new bottle of EO’s, isn’t it?) and took a deep whiff. OMGosh, it smelled SO wonderful! My husband was standing about 4 feet from me and said “That smells amazing – what is it?” We both agreed the combination of Copaiba, Cedarwood, Lime and Vanilla was lovely.
I put a few drops in my diffuser & started praying over all that was going on in my life. I didn’t realize how much I needed that 5 minute break. It took a surprise bottle of Essential Oil to breathe in and reminded me that God is faithful to bring peace – even during the craziest times in our lives. He unwinds me and soothes my soul.
Thanks Rocky Mountain Oils for the unexpected gift!
P.S. I also loved reading how the Lime Oil in the Unwind Blend has been steam distilled so it’s not phototoxic to the skin before going out in the sun! Which means you can use it safely on your skin.
This review of Rocky Mountain Oils is completely my own, based solely on my experience as a customer with them over the past several years. They did NOT pay for or endorse this review. I am however an affiliate of RMO’s, which means if you purchase oils using a link from my site, I may receive a small percentage of the sale to help keep this blog up & running. Thank you! =)
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