Most people are familiar with the two most famous ‘Nut’ Butters: Peanut Butter & Almond Butter… but have you ever tried Coconut Butter?
A few years ago, I dug deep into my pocketbook a bought a jar of the stuff – it was expensive & unfortunately, divinely delicious! I knew I couldn’t afford to keep buying it, so I savored the contents of that jar as long as humanly possible.
At some point it dawned on me that I could make it myself! It didn’t take long for me & my trusty Vitamix to duplicate the texture & flavor of my favorite store-bought brand ‘Artisana‘, but for a fraction of the cost! Sometimes the simplest recipes are the most rewarding.
If you don’t already have a Vitamix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about Vitamix you can go directly to the Vitamix website.
The Tools & Ingredients Used in this Recipe:

How to Make Coconut Butter in the Vitamix
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 0 mins
- Total Time: 5 minutes
- Yield: Approx. 1/4 Cup
- Category: Condiment
- Cuisine: Gluten Free
This Raw, Coconut Butter Recipe is a perfect alternative to the expensive store bought version & tastes amazing! It takes less than 5 minutes to make & is Gluten Free & Vegan.
- 1/2 Cup Natural Shredded or Flaked Coconut (NOT the low fat kind and NO sugar added)
- 2–3 Teaspoons Coconut Oil (Cold Pressed, Unrefined)
- Start with a completely dry VitaMix container.
- Pour the Coconut Flakes into the container and blend into a fine Coconut Flour – Start at Variable Speed 1 and work your way up to 10 Stopping & Starting as necessary to stir the Coconut so it will grind evenly.
- Add in the Coconut Oil, one teaspoon at a time, stopping to blend on High, until mixture is the desired consistency.
- You will need to stop & start the VitaMix a few times and scrape the coconut butter down. The mixture will become warm and should blend up smooth.
This recipe works better when made in smaller batches… but you can double the recipe and it should still work fine. Just don’t overload your VitaMix when attempting this recipe – the end result might not be as smooth.
Storage: Because of the nature of Coconut, you should store the Coconut Butter in an airtight container in your pantry at room temperature. If the oil & meat separate, that’s ok… Just stir it up a bit before serving.
- Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon
- Calories: 115
Hi Erika! I came across your recipe today and was wondering how you use coconut butter? It looks delicious. What recipes do you use it in? Thanks!!
Hi Rivki!
Good question! I love to use coconut butter in several ways…
* By itself =)
* With anything chocolate!
* Add a sweetener of your choice and make a
frosting alternative for muffins, etc..
* Macaroons
* In place or addition to Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwiches
* In smoothies or shakes
* Mixed with a milk alternative for a great non-dairy creamer
* Over Sweet Potatoes with some cinnamon and/or maple syrup
* With fresh fruit
* Add to stir fry dishes
* Did I mention licking it off the spoon? =)
If I think of any others, I’ll let you know – plus, I’ll try to work on a few recipes and post them on the site soon.
Thanks & God Bless!
~ Erika
Hi Erika – I love your Vitamix recipes, thank you so much! Are you using the dry blade container for this recipe? Also, in the future can you indicate which container or blade to use? I’m still a little new to this and am confused by the 2 different types of vitamix containers/blades.
Hi Tracy!
Thanks for the sweet comment! In this recipe, I used the regular ‘wet’ container, but you could also use the ‘dry’ blade as well. You bring up a good point about referencing the dry vs. wet – I will definitely make a point to differentiate between the two in the future. On my older recipes, you can assume I mean the ‘wet’ or standard container unless I mention otherwise.
Hope this helps… I know the more you use your Vita-mix, the more you’re going to love it! =)
God Bless!
~ Erika
I just recently stumbled onto your videos on youtube and found that you were on pinterest so I pinned them on my pinterest page. I was wondering which model your vitamix machine is? Also which one do you recommend for overall doing anything and everything and it holding up. I think you do a great job with the videos. I am a visual learner and I already feel as if I will be able to make the recipes on the videos, I just need some advice on the vitamix machine. Thanks
Hi Connie!
Thanks for the sweet comments! =)
I have the VitaMix model 5000 – which they no longer offer, but the newest one just like it is the VitaMix 5200 series. If budget is an issue, try clicking on their Specials and you can buy a reconditioned one for about a $100 savings but with the same warranty. If you plan on grinding fresh grains yourself on a regular basis, you may want to consider the smaller ‘dry container’ – but this is not necessary to start out. If you call them directly, be sure to mention coupon code 06-004166 for free shipping!
I hope this helps, but please feel free to ask more questions if you need to. It’s a big purchase, but you won’t regret it!
God Bless~
~ Erika
I am a diabetic & can’t have simple carbs unless it’s a rare treat and I only have a small amount. Whole fruit in smoothies is too much sugar,unless I only use 1 apple or handful of berries. But that’s not enough sweetness to offset the strong , kinda bitter taste of kale &other greens. I bought the Vitamix last week so I’m just getting started but I already know we will love it. Your site is wonderful & I plan on watching your videos. Do you have suggestions about sweetening.?
Thank you for your time.
Hi Judith!
A great sweetener for diabetics is Stevia… a ultra sweet herb that is 300 times sweeter than sugar, but doesn’t register as sugar in the body. I like the liquid drops the best, but they also carry it in a powder & many liquid flavors… my favorite is Sweet Leaf or Sweet Drops Vanilla. And oftentimes, 1-2 drops is all you need to sweeten an entire smoothie! Here’s a link to Stevia on Amazon where it is sold for the least amount.
I’m also glad to hear that you’re enjoying your VitaMix… The more you use it, the more you are going to love it!
Thank you for the sweet comment!
God Bless!
What a sweet and lovely site you have here! Thank you for so freely sharing your recipes with us and for all your trial and error that we benefit from! I’m fairly new to GF eating and now have been told I need to be dairy free as well; along with egg free (basically the autoimmune diet)
I have a question: Can I make this coconut butter without a vitamix machine? I have a food processor AND a magic bullet. Will that do the trick?
Blessings to you~
Hi Carri!
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I’m excited for you as you discover how eating whole, clean & healthy foods will make you feel. It’s a miracle what a difference your diet can make in your overall health.
I’m not sure about the magic bullet, but the food processor should be able to make coconut butter. My concern is the length of time it would take to process. Be sure not to let it run long-enough to get too hot – which would essentially destroy all of the wonderful benefits of the coconut.
God Bless!
~ Erika
Your coconut butter recipe in the Vitamix is hands down the best one I’ve seen and tired in my Vitamix. Your instructions are the only ones that have helped me to make coconut butter successfully. I’ve seen other ones that just say add coconut and some coconut oil and blend until you get butter but that isn’t enough. I almost gave up on making it myself until I tried yours a shot :) It even works up here in Canada where I think might make it more challenging since the temperature prevents the coconut butter from being nice and melty.
Thanks so much for sharing and keep up the great work!
Hi Jenn!
Thanks for the sweet comment! I’m so glad this recipe worked for you! =)
God Bless!
~ Erika
I have seen this recipe was posted a while ago however I give it a try. I just received a Vitamix 750 and I am just as you “obsessed” with it. Wanted to do coconut butter already for a while and thought Vitamix was the solutionn to the long processing time of my small food processor but on the contrary it seems that it is not that happy with small amounts. Is it becuase the 64 oz. container is too width for processing smaller amounts e.g. 1/2 cup shredded coconut?
Thanks for your tips!
Best, Lorena
Hello Erika !
so glad i found you :)
i was wondering which coconut to buy Nuts . com ! ?
you said coconut meat.. i know that is what the white insides is called.. but can you help me out with the exact one you meant ? i am thinking you meant the Organic one.. but i just want to make the right choice !
i am also a Vita-Mix Queen ! hehe i would be lost without it :)
hope to hear from you
Hi Matthew! Here’s a link to the coconut I buy on Amazon now that works perfectly in this recipe… Hope that helps! Long-live the Vitamixers! ;) God Bless! ~Erika
Have VitaMix Vita Prep3
Wanting to make coconut butter from fresh crack em open myself coconuts. I can shred the meat using a powered grater. Do I need to dehydrate before grinding in the VitaMix? Fresh coconut usually has a thin brown skin that stays with the meat. Any way to remove that skin?
Hi Sam! You would definitely want to work with dehydrated coconut which removes the water content and leaves behind an oil rich meat that makes a delicious Coconut Butter. You also want to make sure you’re not using young coconuts, but mature ‘meaty’ coconuts. Enjoy & God Bless! ~Erika
Forgot to mention that you can remove that thin brown skin or leave it on… it’s edible. If you chose to remove it, try a potato peeler – it works great for me! =) Hope that helps! ~Erika
Just googled “coconut butter in Vitamix” and your post was the first image that came up! Good visibility! Leoni and I have been in the kitchen a lot on these cold rainy mainland winter days giving our Vitamix quite a workout. Missing you and the crew but Brad heads home next week and we hope to follow real soon. Give the boys hugs from all of us please. Love you!
Hi Karen!! Google cracks me up… a couple of months ago Sheena did a google search for GF Bread and my recipe popped up – We both thought that was so funny! Let us know when you guys make it back, we’d love to get together! Hugs & much love to you guys too! xo ~Erika
Hello, I also collect recipes that you can cook with Vitamix. I have not read the coconut oil recipe in Vitamix anywhere. This is a godsend!
Thank you for reading this and trying to cook it.